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Friday, November 30, 2012

Moringa flowers and buds are wonderful, added to or used on:

Moringa flowers and buds are wonderful, added to or used on:
 - Lasagna - Omelettes - Salad dressing - Split pea soup - Potato pancakes - Scrambled eggs - Chip dip - Casseroles - Tossed salad - Greek salad - Spinach soufflé - Sauces for fish - Sauces for seafood - Pasta dishes - Vegetable dip - Tamalés - Grilled sandwiches - Poultry Stuffing - Pizza - Lentil Soup - Cooked brown rice - Herb teas - Mayonnaise - Cream of chicken soup - Cream of broccoli soup - Cream of spinach soup - Scalloped potatoes - Tuna salad - Whole grain dishes - Creamed vegetables - Corn bread - Enchiladas - Scalloped potatoes - Quiche
Moringa trees love warmth, sunlight, and some water. If you live in an area where the temperatures get below 32° F, you can still grow Moringa, but it will most likely not survive unless you take some precautions. If the root freezes, the tree will die.  Click here to read about ours during a FL winter...

1 - The BEST option, is to grow it in a greenhouse-type setup, where the tree will have protection from the cold. They will not require as much water, as in the summer, so do not overwater the trees.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

MORINGA OLEIFERA: All About Moringa Tree

MORINGA OLEIFERA: All About Moringa Tree

Some interesting information about the Moringa tree.

The Moringa Oleifera Plant  grows mainly in the Asian regions. It has been used as a healer of many common diseases over the last two thousand years and so. It was mostly used by early medicine men from many different countries and races. It is believed that it can prevent and even cure more than 300 diseases. Remember, gif we give our bodies the right nutrition it will and can heal itself .

The  leaves are the most nutritious part of the Moringa tree.  Moringa is an amazing source of bio-available vitamins and minerals which are the partners of enzymes and co-enzymes. Vitamins activate enzymes and without vitamins, enzymes could not carry out their work, and we could not live. Moringa, with it's 90+ nutrients, is the best source for nourishing our body with these essential nutrients. Dried Moringa leaves contain 4 times the Vitamin A as in carrots, 17 times the calcium as in milk, 15 times the potassium as in Bananas, 0.5 times the Vitamin C as in Oranges and 25 times the Iron as in Spinach. Moringa has Vitamin A Beta Carotene, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pyrodixine, Biotin, Ascorbic Acid, Cholecalciferol, Tocopherol and Vitamin K. ...

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Moringa Oleifera (Malunggay) Philippines: Why moringa can reduce sickle cell crisis-–Expert...

Moringa Oleifera (Malunggay) Philippines:
Why moringa can reduce sickle cell crisis-–Expert...
: Why moringa can reduce sickle cell crisis-–Experts | Print |  E-mail Written by Sade Oguntola. Thursday, 31 May 2012 Share ...
About three weeks ago we had a guest speaker at our church who was doing misionary work in Africa.  This lovely lady talked about Moringa oleifera/The miracle tree and immediately got my attention.  When I got home that morning, I went in search of some seeds so I could plant my own Moringa trees and found some on eBay.  The seeds finally arrived in the mail last monday and I immediately googled how to germinate the them.  This morning they are showing signs of peeping through the soil and I am so excited.  Will keep you up to date on their progress as I go along.  This is a learning experience for me.
Soil: Plant Moringa seedlings in rich, organic soil with plenty of aged manure. Do not use chemicals on the trees. Dr. Earth manufactures many good organic fertilizers and potting soil. Organic potting soil is better for the plants and our environment. In this way, you will have organic moringa leaves for your tea.
Growing Moringa Trees by Cuttings: Once you have mature trees, you can grow the Moringa from cuttings. Take a mature branch and plant it in soil. Pack the soil around the cutting and water it every other day. It is best to plant the cutting during the early summer.